Wednesday 24 March 2010 4:18:06 am
Hi. I've modified my esl-ES.ini file to include there the spanish names for countries. Names are taken via GeoNames WebService [1]. Work is based on ca_countrylist extension [2]. The idea behind adding names to esl.ES.ini is to add the possibility of having spanish names even if you don't use a ezcountry datatype One possible use case is to present a list of countries for a 'geolocalized' search. For getting the names i've written a little script that probably someone wants to use to get names in desired language. It looks like
require 'autoload.php';
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$script = eZScript::instance( array( 'description' => ( "Take country names from GeoNames" ),
'use-session' => false,
'use-modules' => false,
'use-extensions' => true ) );
$dom = simplexml_load_file( '' );
$countries = $dom->xpath( '//country' );
foreach( $countries as $country )
$cli->output( 'Countries[' . (string)$country->countryCode .']=' . (string)$country->countryName );
?> Just change language param and it should work. Then copy + paste your result to your locale.ini file. Best Regards. [1] [2]