Monday 10 April 2006 12:21:42 am
1. As far as I know, static cache currently make cache only for main layout. What about add cacheing ofr other layouts too (for example, for printable version) ? That should help to speed up site when during search bots scan. Is it possible to add more sttings to config? Those sould differ from setting of main layout. For example, I have printable vertion for all articles, but don't wish to abouse EZ with other unnecessary requests when makestaticcache.php works. 2. Another idea is to add matching allowed classes to static cache. Example: I have folder with 1000 links (in links catalog). Folder template shows all links together. If you try to look a single link directly (in full view), then overriden templete generates 301 redirect (to prevent bots scan next time). But when I execute makestaticcache.php, it scans not only the folder, but each of 1000 links. That produce a lot of unnesessary loads. So, the idea is to exlude sobe objects from static cache, dependinr on their class.