Wednesday 13 October 2010 2:42:09 am
I have found in 4.3.0 rssimport cronjob (24-Sep-2003 16:09:21 sp) how identifier are generated and I don't understand the priority choice. From my point of view, "guid, title, link" could be more practical than "link, guid". GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) first seems common sens. rssimport.php, lines 209-227:
// Test for link or guid as unique identifier
$link = $item->getElementsByTagName( 'link' )->item( 0 );
$guid = $item->getElementsByTagName( 'guid' )->item( 0 );
if ( $link->textContent )
$md5Sum = md5( $link->textContent );
elseif ( $guid->textContent )
$md5Sum = md5( $guid->textContent );
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( 'RSSImport '.$rssImport->attribute( 'name' ).': Item has no unique identifier. RSS guid or link missing.' );
return 0; }