Saturday 27 June 2009 6:34:31 am
First of all it's great to hear that this has been discussed. And as I expected it is a known issue and I do realise the efforts it would take to implement this into version 4.x. From where I stand I think eZ Publish 4 was not a great leap architecture wise - it was more or less a necessity to get eZ Publish to run on PHP 5. For the mysterious project V I'm sure it'll be a total rewrite as the eZ Components team is busy building MVC tools, etc. As eZ Publish 5 seems to be all about rewriting the whole application it will be a major task considering the feature list eZ has acquired in the ten years of development. While the eZc team has done a lot of groundwork for this, being a realist I realise this product is still years, not months away from complete. Resources are ALWAYS limited, so eZ Systems need to strike a balance between developing the current version and the next generation of the product. Adding the fact that you provide commercial support means even more resource constraints. A "normal" open source project can just ditch the legacy version development and concentrate on the latest and greatest. If I were to decide I would not spend resources on developing a new admin interface (with the current templating system) for 4.x. as the current version is just fine from my point of view.