
Author Message

Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 3:22:49 am


I am trying to get workflow working, i have followed all the examples and have run php -C runcronjobs.php

But no items get added to the collaboration inbox in the 'personal' tab.

I notice that runcronjobs.php is not in the eZ3.01 standard release. Is workflow working? am i missing something?



Tony Wood :
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Bård Farstad

Friday 28 March 2003 3:42:24 am

You can find the cron script in the cronjobs/ directory in the eZ publish root.

Seems like we need to update some documentation.



Jan Borsodi

Friday 28 March 2003 3:54:11 am

Yes you're right, the file was missing you get it from the contributions.



Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 4:02:50 am

I have the file from svn version, but it cannot get workflow to work, can you confirm its all working.

ps... How can i enable emails from forum posts, currently they are not being sent.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Jan Borsodi

Friday 28 March 2003 4:15:12 am

I tried it now and it worked. What kind of output do you get?

Regarding email notification it will be handled by the notification system which has been postponed until a future release. For now there is no email sending on new replies.



Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 4:28:58 am

Here is the output i get, It looks like the database get a row added to ezworkflow_process , however the contentid and version id are empty. I thought there might be a setting to change in an ini file that enabled workflow

php -C runcronjobs.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.2
Content-type: text/html

Running cronjobs/workflow.php
Checking for workflow processes

4 workflow process status

4 workflow process status

Tony Wood :
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Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 4:36:33 am

I hit reply to previous message, i hit reply and check forum and they had dissapeared, looks like I have found them.

Tony Wood :
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Jan Borsodi

Friday 28 March 2003 4:45:47 am

Do you get some data in ezapprove_items?

Also how did you setup the approve workflow? Did you add it to the content/publish pre trigger?

Could you post the result from some of the workflow tables.



Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 5:15:46 am

>>Workflow and triggers
Yes, i create an event/approve item in workflow and then set the prepublish trigger... The items do not get published to the site so i know the trigger is working.

Yes, two ezapprove items are created.

This is a standard build using the kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_clean.sql
Here are the two tables, Sorry they do not to good, i hope you can read them.

id workflow_process_id collaboration_id Edit Delete 1 1 1 Edit Delete 2 2 2

Full Texts id process_key workflow_id user_id content_id content_version node_id session_key event_id event_position last_event_id last_event_position last_event_status event_status created modified activation_date event_state status parameters memento_key

id version is_enabled workflow_type_string name creator_id modifier_id created modified
Edit Delete 1 0 0 group_ezserial Sp's forkflow 8 24 1031927869 1032856662
Edit Delete 2 0 1 group_ezserial Approve 14 14 1048841473 1048841532
Edit Delete 2 1 1 group_ezserial Approve 14 20 1048841473 1048856861

Edit Delete 1 af755e9933a0cf11a7b335eff4a7c39e 2 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 0 4 0 1048841614 1048854334 0 1 4 a:3:{s:9:"object_id";s:2:"21";s:7:"version";s:1:"1... d9ba3cc3c35ea159ac07790214c2722b
Edit Delete 2 b6929c6463976b003eb44349bc04bdf5 2 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 0 4 0 1048843044 1048854334 0 1 4 a:3:{s:9:"object_id";s:2:"22";s:7:"version";s:1:"1... 3de4f551f5a9b53dbd35eb35c94eb26f

Tony Wood :
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Sergiy Pushchin

Friday 28 March 2003 5:18:33 am

There is a bug in mysql kernel_clean.sql file with collaboration tables.
I will fix it and post here nessesary changes.

Sergiy Pushchin

Friday 28 March 2003 5:27:59 am

drop table if exists ezcollab_item_group_link;
create table ezcollab_item_group_link(
collaboration_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
group_id int NOT NULL default '0',
user_id int NOT NULL default '0',
is_read int NOT NULL default '0',
is_active int NOT NULL default '1',
last_read int NOT NULL default '0',
created int NOT NULL default '0',
modified int NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (collaboration_id, group_id, user_id)

drop table if exists ezcollab_item_participant_link;
create table ezcollab_item_participant_link(
collaboration_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
participant_id int NOT NULL default '0',
participant_type int NOT NULL default '1',
participant_role int NOT NULL default '1',
is_read int NOT NULL default '0',
is_active int NOT NULL default '1',
last_read int NOT NULL default '0',
created int NOT NULL default '0',
modified int NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (collaboration_id, participant_id)

Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 5:34:12 am

That did it... lovely :)

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Tony Wood

Friday 28 March 2003 6:22:51 am


When a workflow is approved all works well, the problem comes when a workflow is denied.
I would think that the person submitting the article should be passed back to the submitter so they can edit it. Currently all they can do when they click on the "new article" link is view it.

Now, if you change the URL from 'versionview' to 'edit' the article is there.

Can you add an edit button to the rejected new article link.



Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Sergiy Pushchin

Friday 28 March 2003 7:01:08 am

When you are at versionview page, you should click Versions button, and there Copy and Edit button. After that you can publish new version.

I future we will add functionality to do all this with one button click

Jan Borsodi

Friday 28 March 2003 7:06:05 am

I've done some changes to the approval item as you requested. It will now display a link to edit the object if it was denied or deferred (now renamed to Pushback, do you know of a better word?).
If you have svn you can update.

I also noticed there was a bug with deferring, the object and version didn't get the correct status, I'll look into that.



Tony Wood

Saturday 29 March 2003 12:03:32 am

I think the reason why its difficult to find a word for this is that the screen is trying to complete two tasks.

The first task is the approval mechanism, which should of course be "approve" and "deny" which is the process driven element of the system.

The second task of the screen is for a communication mechaism to pass comments back and forth between the editor and the publisher.

There are two elements to this:

The first is the simple comment where you are talking about the article.
"Alice, I like the article and will be publishing it once i have John review it".
"Alice, I like the Article, i cannot review now but will review on monday, is this ok?"

The second is a firmer line.
"Alice, I cannot publish this article until you change the legal notice from 2002 to 2003"
"Alice, Please change your article to reflect the companies more open stance on opensource"

My point is, i think there are two mechanisms at work here, the first a simple yes/no, the second a more unstructured communication. Now, all the functionality is there I think possibly all that is needed is some design to allow the user to know what elements they are using, this could be done via text positions and iconography.

The mechanism needs to be straightforward, and there are really only two options here, "approve" and "deny" with the deny options having various shades..

So maybe you keep the Approve button as it is, but add a radio button to the right of the Deny button. With the following options:
"Requires changes"
"Request denied"

These radio buttons would then dictate the type of action the workflow would take. "Requires changes" would replace the current "Pushback" and "Request denied" would replace the "Deny" button.
The words could then be placed in a ini file that would allow developers to change then based on the company and culture the site is required for. And allow for future functionality such as adding pre assigned replies in the case of a support desk environment.

Now this leaves the current "Add Comment" free to be used for what is is great for, adding comments. It would however be good to change this in an INI file so you could have words more appropriate to the audience. For example, I might change this to "Send Comment" which reflects more its purpose.

I am sorry I could not answer your question with a simple word, but i think this needs exploring a bit, what do you think?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Jan Borsodi

Monday 31 March 2003 12:39:38 am

This sounds like a good idea.

Regarding text changes. You can do this by creating a translation file and then translating only the items that you require.



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