Wednesday 21 July 2004 5:39:57 am
hi all
i'm triyng to send the 3 mails when an user register himself to my site only 2 mails are sended (the information account to the user and the mail to the administrator), while the activate account email isn't sended to the user in the debug i get: Error sending SMTP mail: need MAIL From: first. in the ezsmpttransport.php file. the code is:
include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezsmtp.php" );
$smtp = smtp::connect( $parameters );
if ( $smtp )
$result = $smtp->send( $sendData );
$mailSent = true;
if ( isset( $smtp->errors[0] ) )
eZDebug::writeError( "Error sending SMTP mail: " . $smtp->errors[0], "eZSMTPTransport::sendMail()" );
$mailSent = false;
$mailSent = false;
return $mailSent;
any hint?
best regards alessandro