Monday 21 April 2008 5:06:00 am
I noticed in our website a whole bunch of very long directory names, as var/siteaccess/storage/images/teasers/a-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-title-of-article/1783097-2-eng-GB/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/cronjobs/... I estimate the /bin/bin is repeated something like 20 times!!! I was told by my sysadmin that is a known problem with web programs that if the url is to long you can sometimes gain root access to the underlining os, which anyway is not great But in addition, we start to suspect that could be the reason why our ftp has been crashing a lot recently, making me unable to connect to upload files.
Is there anything as a max directory length which if you overflow it create all those strange /bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin/bin.. ? Would be grateful about any clue, it would help me to fix it Cheers