Thursday 29 January 2004 12:04:37 pm
My site has one section that users need to login to view. I have set up the Roles so the "Access denied" (error/kernel/1.tpl) shows for only this section. I want to use the textfile login handler to login these users.
Couple of questions:
- Should I be overriding the error/kernel/1.tpl and user/login.tpl templates to display the correct login screen for this section? Or should I redirect the Access Error in error.ini to user/login? How do I override user/login?
- I added LoginHandler=textfile setting to site.ini, a sample textfile and settings in the textfile.ini file. The section seems to be using the textfile handler (ie I had the permissions off on the file and after correcting, it alleviated the errors). But its not validating the user.
- On the output page I get the following: Welcome to eZ publish administration
To log in enter a valid login and password. Could not login
* A valid username and password is required to login.
But the site is not using my custom pagelayout, ie its probably using the user pageloayout.
I realize that this is a lot of questons, hoping someone can help out.
Thanks very much in advance, Patti McCreary