Friday 16 July 2010 8:54:46 pm
How about the entire site, one page at a time? That seems more do-able. Assuming none of the current site is database driven, that it is all single pages of php and html. No existing objects, classes or template engine to confuse. An extension and class that does the eZ node assignment stuff, but other than that leaves the php and html intact, and delivers it in single pages just like before. Probably will need to plan a title for each page to ease conversion upstream. Seems to me start with a super clean site and create the extension as per and part 2. In conjunction with this, the <html> option for the literal tag may bear some exploration. Other than that, it would seem getting the php to work without getting it killed or translated by eZ Publish is the remaining devil in the details. My 2 cents. This seems to be a pressing problem of the day. You and everyone else looking to move their essentially billboard presence into a CMS. An extension that works for 95 percent of these transitions is in order. Thanks for the starting the discussion.
Doug Brethower
Apple Certified Technical Consultant, Southwest, MO USA