Tuesday 25 November 2003 11:07:11 am
hello everyone, i've got the following problem: this is my toppath.tpl-file:
{let name=Path
{section loop=$module_result.path}
{section show=$:item.url}
<a class="kopf" href={cond( and( $:use_urlalias, is_set( $:item.url_alias ) ), $:item.url_alias,
$:item.url )|ezurl}>{$:item.text|shorten( 18 )|wash}</a>
{$:item.text|wash} {/section}
<span class="kopf">|</span>
{/let} it displays a line with the full path starting with the root folder. is there a way to tell ezp3.2 that it displays the path without the root folder as the top node? (my starting page is a "home"-folder in the root folder)
thank you in advance. stefan