Tuesday 12 July 2005 12:22:10 pm
I would like to fetch 5 last articles and I have used this line: let children=fetch('content','tree',hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,limit,5,class_filter_type, 'include', class_filter_array, array(2),sort_by,array('published',false()) ))
section name=Child loop=$children sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)
$Child:item.object.name ...etc for example I have in database
article2 article1 when i load my page/template in web browser for the first time all 5 articles shows up, but if I add for example "article6" and reload my page it doesn't show up. First I have to clear cache memory and then reload and then i have situation which I wanted:
article3 article2 What I want is to update the list of the last 5 articles automatically and not always to clear the cache. I just want to add an article reload the page and article shows. Any answer will be appreciated.