Wednesday 23 November 2005 11:24:01 am
I still don't understand the ezp cache system. How can i clear only one page cache manually after having changed static elements on this page ? Would be something like : clearcache --page=/homepage
Second thing is when i turn cache to 'enabled' two main problems occurs : - My left infinite level tree menu that use a recurisve self insertion of navleft.tpl stops on first level when cache is activated. The code is like this in navleft.tpl :
{foreach $child}
{if $subchild}{insert 'navleft.tpl'}{/if}
Is there a special rule to be able to activate cache with such a menu ? - The second is that i have a news ticker on my homepage that never update when cache is on. But all pages except this one updates normally. Why the homepage is acting differently ? This news ticker is taking its content from another node (/news/ actually) through a 'fetch list news_folder_id' but doesn't reflect its content until i clear content cache. Thanx for your help.
Martin ezp7.1 - Apache2 - Mysql4 - php4
EZP is Great