Tuesday 17 August 2004 1:03:16 am
OK, forgot to mention: I'm using 3.4-0 Also I've tried to simplify things a bit by dropping the sorting and limit (After all I only have 4 news articles for testing) Here's the "new" error message: Error: eZTemplate
parser error @ design/microtech/override/templates/node_view_full_nyheter.tpl:1[16]
Invalid parameter characters in function 'let': '( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 69) '
And here's the simplified fetch: {let alle = fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 69) }
I've removed the apostrophes deliberately as I've come into the "let's try everything phase" Anyone awake enough to spot the error yet ;-) Are there any changes to code syntax from 3.3-4 to 3.4-0?
best regards trondåge