Thursday 20 July 2006 10:48:41 am
I came across the same problem. Ez Needs to look up the country of the user in order to calculate VAT however the default shop account handler does not process the "country" field. Edit this file or create one specific to your application kernel/classes/shopaccounthandlers/ezdefaultshopaccounthandler.php
Jump to the bottom of the file and look for the function called "accountInformation". Change the code from this:
return array( 'first_name' => $dataMap['first_name']->content(),
'last_name' => $dataMap['last_name']->content(),
'email' => $user->attribute( "email" )
To this:
return array( 'first_name' => $dataMap['first_name']->content(),
'last_name' => $dataMap['last_name']->content(),
'email' => $user->attribute( "email" ),
'country' => $dataMap['country']->content(),
This will fix it for you.
Regards Fats
-- Stuart
[email protected]