Saturday 06 November 2004 10:18:00 am
Hi, I'm planning on using eZpublish for a Hebrew site (working on a tranlation at the moment) and I was wondering if any effort to include Right-To-Left support in eZpublish has been made. As a 1st step I'd love to hear someone-more-experienced-with-eZpublish-than-myself's thoughts on how to use eZpublish for an RTL language site. As a 2nd step, what would it take to make a multilingual eZpublish site that could easily swap between RTL and LTR languages (e.g. Hebrew & English)? Is there a "direction" attribute assigned for each language (this is relevant to both content and the site's skeleton text & design)? Are there any examples of sites using eZpublish for RTL languages?
Thank you, Ophir