Thursday 15 July 2004 4:13:42 am
Hi! Any suggestions on how to select an abitrary number of topstories to be displayed in a folder, ordered in a spesific way and connected to nodes rather than objects? I've made my own folder-class which main purpose is to list topstories, much like a newspaper. I want the user to be able to choose which articles to show on the frontpage (the folder), so I decided to use a Objectrelationlist-attribute. This will allow me to select as many articles as I want, and order them the way I want. Perfect!
But... When doing so I'm forced to link to the main_node. Or am I wrong? As far as I know, when choosing an object for the ORL only the object_id is stored. In that way I loose the option to control which node (design) the user will see when he/she clicks the topstory. I've made my own datatype which stores the node-id, but it is more a paralell to Objectrelation (not ORList). Additional my hack is way to user-hostile when it comes to choose the node. (No browsing allowed) Any suggestions? Roy