Problems installing forum and blog packages

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Martin Garms

Tuesday 21 August 2007 12:56:17 am

I am in the evaluation process, the eZ-CMS seems to be exactly the right powerfull platform for my needs, but finding understandable documention for some points ist not easy...

I try to install additional packages in a fresh installation (ez 3.2.9), pre-installed by my hoster.
After searching and reading 2 days i am not able to use blog and forum - i do not find a cleary description how to activate such packages.

- I downloaded the packages from
- I imported them successfully via setup/packages
- The packages are now present in var/storage/packages/ez_systems/blog_site
- I tryed to import the dependecies manually, first the package "poll"
- When i press the button install after importing, chosse the site acess i get a error message - the Installation is aborted
In the ez-Directory "packages" remains empty :-(

my Questions:
- Is it possible to install packages separately? Or have i to reinstall the whole system?
- Is it possible to use the 3.2.8 forum/blog packages for ez 3.2.9 (i don´t find forum/blog pck. for 3.2.9?) maybe the error is a version problem?
- Where can i find a step for step tutorial how to use forum / blog packages? (i searches for hours in the documentation and the forums)
- after installation, where is the place to add a forum or a blog to my site? In the popup for adding new articles/folders etc?

I would appreciate some help very much...

André R.

Tuesday 21 August 2007 2:44:50 am

Did your host also go true the install wizard for you?

when you go to the admin siteaccess, are your using /plain_site_admin or /ezwebin_site_admin ?

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Martin Garms

Tuesday 21 August 2007 3:34:57 am

Hello André,

Thank you for answering

> Did your host also go true the install wizard for you?

Yes, i ordered a ready for use installed system. I didn´try the installation myself

> when you go to the admin siteaccess, are your using /plain_site_admin or /ezwebin_site_admin ?

I use plain_site_admin . The site ist empty without content and classes.

in the last hour, i tried to install the ezwebin-packages, but i receive errors

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object ... etc.

and, installing the demo-content something like:

"Can't install object 'Home': Unable to fetch class with remoteID: e36c458e3e4a81298a0945f53a2c81f4.
Element with ID '8a9c9c761004866fb458d89910f52bee' will not be installed.

This module seems to contain serveral packages.
- is it important, in which order i install the packages?
- Is there realy no documentation how to install?

Thank you for some advice!

André R.

Tuesday 21 August 2007 4:14:57 am

There are doc on how to install packages but not forum especially.
The plain_site install is meant for advance users that are planning to create a new site from the ground up. In your case, you should have installed 'web site interface' / ezwebin witch includes a lot more out of the box functionality and a far better design then plain_site.

But the error you are getting seams strange, it seems to be one of two:
1. you are using the php5 version (see version information in admin header, and double check with setup -> System Information )
2. You are experience a bug relative to the package handler. eZ Publish 3.9.x got support for multilingual classes, so there are a couple of known issues when trying to import some packages made for earlier versions, some are fixed in 3.9.3, but I don't know if this one is.

In both cases it will probably be easiest to reinstall with the ezwebin..
It should be enough to delete the settings/override/* content so that you get the install wizard when you enter the page. Then you need to select the same database that you are currently using and select that you want to delete all content in it during the install.

PS: If you don't have database name, password and connection info, copy it from settings/override/site.ini.append.php before you delete it..

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Martin Garms

Tuesday 21 August 2007 6:02:34 am


That was efficient advice...
This site is a much better starting point.

Thank you for your help, André

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