Preview site

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Guillaume Kulakowski

Friday 17 July 2009 9:33:55 am


I search the best way for made a preview site. Preview site would be a siteaccess who display the last draft version of all node and no the published version.
The "view" function in site admin is unfortunately limited to 1 node

An idea ?

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Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 20 July 2009 12:30:21 am


Just of out of curiosity. Could you provide an use case when do you need a last draft of all nodes?

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Guillaume Kulakowski

Monday 20 July 2009 12:50:49 am


For preview an entiere website with complexes pages build from multiple node.

Also for have 2 sites versions : the production site and a draft site.

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Gaetano Giunta

Monday 20 July 2009 5:01:49 am

I fear that an "eZ" way to build preview entire parts of the site is currently missing.

You might try to take advantage of some of the other features to achieve it, with a bit of hacking:

- if your site is monolingual, set up a fictional language that is the 'preview' version, then add a siteaccess that shows that language as main one. You will then have to hack a lot of admin templates to hide the standard translation buttons and make them look like 'preview' buttons, and add a workflow event or some other code to copy the 'preview' language into the main one

- set up all of your remplates to fetch content in draft mode if it is there (but which draft, when there are many?) and standard version if it is not there

- try to use the object states - take care: you cannot have one state per version, only one state per object

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Guillaume Kulakowski

Monday 20 July 2009 5:50:44 am

Thx Gaetano,

> - if your site is monolingual, set up a fictional language that is the 'preview' version, then
> add a siteaccess that shows that language as main one. You will then have to hack a lot
> of admin templates to hide the standard translation buttons and make them look like
> 'preview' buttons, and add a workflow event or some other code to copy the 'preview'
> language into the main one
Thank you for this tip

> - set up all of your remplates to fetch content in draft mode if it is there (but which draft,
> when there are many?) and standard version if it is not there
I thought go to this solution ... But I fear a large number of templates to modify and maintain in parallel

> - try to use the object states - take care: you cannot have one state per version, only one
> state per object
I have exclude this solution for this reason


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