Thursday 02 November 2006 9:18:51 am
Well, I have Ezpublish 3.8.5 installed. I have got the basics down I believe. I have a nice clean layout going with some pics and PDF links working properly. I have a logo in the upper left corner. The next steps I can't figure out. Are there ways to include standard HTML content inside an ezpublish page? I would like to add some rotating banner code and would like to imbed a sound file that automatically plays when the page is loaded. I need to add a banner at the top of the pages too. There's a big emtpy space not being used with a tiny logo on the left, I need to add some content up there. Also while I'm here, is there a way to incorporate a forum that shares the login with ezpublish and/or to imbed the forum inside an ezpublish page so the links/buttons are always available? TIA.