New to eZ Publish - Setting up templates

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Rick -

Monday 13 March 2006 11:58:44 pm

I'm new to eZ Publish, and I have to admit I'm finding it a bit confusing. The documentation is quite large, but I can't seem to find a simple step by step tutorial on creating a site with different sections having their own template.

I have my designs ready to go (css & xhtml) and my content loaded (using custom classes - they are great!). I've read some of the tutorials out there, but they are outdated, eg: and I can't seem to impliment my designs into the system.

Using this tutorial by Brad, I've come to the conclusion that I do the following.

1.) Create a package
2.) Modify pagelayout.tpl manually using ftp

But what about different templates? I'm sure it has something to do with the overrides... but I'm unsure.

Any pointers in the right direction is much appreciated.



Rick -

Tuesday 14 March 2006 1:20:57 am

Wait wait wait...

I think I've got it sorted now. Should have kept on reading this tutorial all the way through.

My apologies.

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 14 March 2006 1:23:51 am

Rick you are on a good way ;) This is tutorial is useful at the beginning, it will help you understand the basics and how to work with templates. It is still valid with latest eZ publish versions.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Betsy Gamrat

Tuesday 14 March 2006 6:41:58 am

There is an error log in ez/var/log which has template errors listed. It can be really helpful.

In addition - the <b>{$some_object|attribute(show)}</b> operator can help you navigate through the object attributes.

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