Thursday 17 July 2008 6:26:16 am
This is how we've solved it: It does require adding a few lines to access.php and lib/ezutils/classes/ezsys.php specifically, to access.php:
else if ( $match_type == 'element' )
$match_index = $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'URIMatchElement' );
$elements = $uri->elements( false );
$elements = array_slice( $elements, 0, $match_index );
$name = implode( '_', $elements );
//start Contactivity multilingual hack
$language=implode( '_', $elements );
if (!$language)
//end Contactivity multilingual hack
to ezsys.php:
static function addAccessPath( $path )
$instance = eZSys::instance();
if ( !is_array( $path ) )
$path = array( $path );
//start multilingual Contactivity hack
//end multilingual Contactivity hack
$instance->AccessPath = array_merge( $instance->AccessPath, $path );
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