Sunday 31 August 2003 4:09:28 pm
hi everybody; after making a clean install of ez3 I look at the ../design/user/templates/pagelayout.tpl file. The first include in the file is: {include uri="design:page_head.tpl"} This file isn't availible in the "../design/user/templates/"-folder therefore ez3 uses the "../design/standard/templates/page_head.tpl"-file. The next include: {include uri="design:page_topbox.tpl"} This file is availible in the same folder as pagelayout and therefore this file is used! My problem is: Now I created the page_head.tpl in the same folder as pagelayout.tpl and page_topbox.tpl. You then would think that ez3 starts using my new file instead of the one in the standard-folder. This isn't happening! What am I doing wrong? Haggren