Tuesday 07 September 2010 1:18:26 am
For the context : In one single instance of eZ Publish (in fact there are four for technical, legal and timezone reasons), we host around 25 town websites (with 1 main siteaccess + 1 admin + 0 to n for translations if any). So far, settings are versionned in SVN and I have 3 structures (one for each environement : UAT / Preprod / Prod). So nothing new here I guess for most of you :-) My issue is that, for each new release, I have to update settings for each town. I use the /settings/override/* sometimes but I can't use it always as we may have some conflicts between frontend/backend siteaccess. So I was thinking about a kind of "public_override" and "admin_override". What do you think about ?