Thursday 02 December 2004 5:33:56 pm
I am testing the ezpublish on web hosting company. They are using Windows Server. I always get "Insufficient directory permissions" at the step of System Check. However, I already set "everyone" full permission for the whole directory ezpublish (and its subdirectories/files). Is Windows Server not supported? The URL is System message:
cd c:\hosting\webhost4life\member\soibry\ezpublish
chmod -R a+rwx settings
chmod -R a+rwx settings/override
chmod -R a+rwx var
chmod -R a+rwx var/log
chmod -R a+rwx var/storage
chmod -R a+rwx var/cache
chmod -R a+rwx var/cache/codepages
chmod -R a+rwx var/cache/ini
chmod -R a+rwx settings/siteaccess
chmod -R a+rwx settings/siteaccess/admin
chmod -R a+rwx design