Thursday 06 March 2008 5:18:32 am
Hello, we noticed today, that our information collector (a tiny contact form) isn't sending out email anymore (though collecting the data in the database). Probably it has to do something with a recent upgrade to ezpublish 4.0.
I already looked at some places, to rule out any configuration issues:
- collect.ini is the same that comes packaged with ezpublish, in particular SendEmail is enabled
- Any of the settings in collect.ini is neither overridden in any siteaccess nor any extension - In the siteaccess, a valid email is entered for the setting "EmailReceiver" Additionally, I looked up the logs of the mail server, but no attempt of sending an email frome zpublish is logged. When I send the form in debug mode, I noticed, that in used templates, the template "content/collectedinfo/form.tpl" gets listed. IMHO, it should be "content/collectedinfomail/form.tpl", when sending of an email is the result of the action. Can anyone enlighten me where else to look or configure anything, so my emails get sent again?
Kind regards, Tobias