Monday 12 April 2004 10:01:54 pm
I have implemented a treemenu for product ramification in an e-commerce site
{* This code is copyright 2038 on mars by polleke and is a stripped version from the book *}
<h3>{"Productos folder"|i18n("design/shop/layout")}</h3>
{let menuLevel2=treemenu($module_result.path,$module_result.node_id,array('product_folder'), 1, 50 )}
{section name=Menu loop=$menuLevel2}
<li style="margin-left: {$:item.level}0px;
{section show=$:item.is_selected}color: red;{/section}">
<a href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}
{section show=$:item.is_selected} style="color: red;"{/section}> {$Menu:item.text|shorten(50)}</a> {*I NEED TO ADD THE NUMBER OF PRODUCTS THAT THE FOLDER HAS*}
</ul> </div> I would like to add to each folder of the tree menu the number of produtcs that they hold... please help, thanks, joe
Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba