Monday 25 October 2004 3:25:46 pm
In a site, we have a section with links, sorted in categories with subcategories with sub-subcategories etc.. Inside the category template we want a path-section wich shows the user where he is in the structure. The path in pagelayout is working, but I can't seem to get it to work when I use it in a template. I might be tired, and don't see the solution of a simple task :) Anyone that can help me in the right direction?
Btw: I have tried various versions of this code:
{section name=Path loop=$module_result.path}
{section show=$Path:item.url}
{section show=is_set($Path:item.url_alias)}
<a href={$Path:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$Path:item.text|wash}</a> /
<a href={$Path:item.url|ezurl}>{$Path:item.text|wash}</a> /
{/section} </p>