Monday 30 May 2005 10:54:46 am
kracker, thanks for still helping me :) I'll answer your questions in <b>bold</b>. Please note that I have deleted the "Cool forum" section. What I meant to say was that you can assign any section (standard, trond_forum_members, etc) but that the most important part is that your forum user has permissions needed to read/edit/etc, the key is the permissions.
Since it seems your forum_user role permissions are ok for the section "Standard", go a head and asign the forum to use the "Standard" Section (check your assignments). <b>?Not sure how to do this.. However, I looked at section named "standard" and it has "Forum user" listed in its "Roles list". BUT, at the buttom of the standard section it lists "Objects within this section" and there are plenty of objects there, but noen belonging to the Forum(!)</b>
The next level is to check your user / group ... Role Assignments. Make sure that your user's group is associated with the forum_user role. <b>My user group "Guest accounts" has "Forum user" listed in "Assigned Roles".</b> Questions:
- What group(s) is your (dummy) user in? <b>They are under "Guest accounts" (that is where they all pop up when registering new users).</b>
- Is that group associated with your forum_user role? (be sure to check, the default is no (I believe)) <b>"Guest accounts" has "forum user" listed as "Assigned Roles"</b>
- Does your role have at least read permissions for section trond_forum_members or Standard <b>What do you mean by "your(my) role" (isn't trond_forum_members" a group and not a section?).</b> <b>Referring to your last question, I think there is no connection between the folder "Forum" and the role "Forum user". Could that be the problem?</b> I think I had to hammer my head into a stud for a while to get this as well so don't let it get ya down ;) //kracker