Thursday 13 December 2007 3:08:16 pm
I have recently installed EZPublish 4.0 and was advised to fix file permissions when finetuning <i>
cd /var/www
chmod -R ug+rwx settings settings/override var var/storage var/cache settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design chown -R www-data:www-data settings settings/override var var/storage var/cache settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design</i> However by changing ownership I can no longer edit CSS files and upload by ftp as I no longer have the correct permissions. In previous installs (3.7) I never received this message, and on checking the directories, the ownership resides with the site owner, thus I have edited the CSS without problems and the sites are fine. Is there a way around this in 4.0? Can I revert ownership of these directories back to the site owner and not cause any issues. If not, how can I edit CSS files?