Sunday 27 April 2003 8:47:46 am
I'm working on a news site where articles are published on a daily basis. However, some of those articles are "back dated" ie: that their actual publish date is before the actual date that they are entered into ez publish. To make sure that each article has the correct date, i created a article_date field in the article class. Now I want to display articles not based on pubilshed, but based on article_date. I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Here's the code that i'm using to do it by 'published' What modifications do i need to make to make it sort by my defined field?
20 most recent stories: <br>
{let test=fetch( 'content',
hash(parent_node_id, 158, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array(2), "sort_by", array("published", false()), "depth", 0))
{section name=Child loop=$test max=20}
<tr><td><font size=-1>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$Child:item.data_map.article_date}</td><td><font size=-1>
<a href={concat("/content/view/full/",$Child:item.node_id)|ezurl}>{$}</a></td></tr>
{/section} </table> As a side note, i would also like to add the "next previous" links (ala google) so that one can browse stories in this mode. I used the following code, but am unsure of how to relate the two pieces of code together:
{include name=navigator uri='design:navigator/google.tpl'
view_parameters=hash(offset,20) item_limit=5} anybody have any thoughts? thanks! arthur