Thursday 03 February 2005 5:26:14 pm
Ive been struggling with this. According to the documentation I should be able to use ezhttp to grab the variables passed via get or put.
The documentation at shows the syntax, but its not working for me. Even more bizzare is that the results are sometimes shown correctly, but I havent been able to determine why it works sometimes and not others. Im using 3.4.4
The code below should have a text field and drop down menu/selection from my custom class. It should use get to pass the vars back to itself which Im using in my fetch to return the correct results. I can see the url itself does have the parameters in it eg:
{let search_name=ezhttp('searchname','get')
<form action="/index.php/intranet/our_resources/intranet/phone_list" method="get">
<input id="searchname" type="text" name="searchname" size="22" maxlength="24"/>
<input type="image" border=0 name="searchbutton" src={"/images/top_nav/search_button.gif"|ezdesign}>
{set department_list_array=fetch( 'content', 'class_attribute', hash( 'attribute_id', 263 ) )}
<div class="element">
<label>Department</label><div class="labelbreak"></div>
<select name="searchdepartment">
<option value="-1">Any Department</option>
{section loop=$department_list_array.content.options }
<option value="{$department_list_array.content.options.$}"> {$department_list_array.content.options.$} </option>
the syntax being used with ezhttp is just one version Ive tried. Ive also tried without the single qoutes and also using first_set (just because there was an example of setting a variable in a post that someone had confirmed working).
Yet again its bound to be something stupid Im doing, but I cant see what. Or is just bad karma to pass vars back to the same template in this manner? Any help greatly appreciated. Arran