Tuesday 22 January 2008 5:22:17 am
Hi There, Hope someone can help me please. I was going through all the packages in the Setup -> Packages. The listed packages are:
ezwebin_banners (type: contentobject)
ezwebin extension (type: extension)
ezwebin_classes (type: contentclass)
ezwebin_democontent (type: contentobject)
ezwebin_design_blue (type:sitestyle] ezwebin_design_gray (type:sitestyle) ezwebin_site (type: site) As far I know all the types for the extension are quite clear and know how to create, export or install them. Bit confused about ezwebin_site package, which is of type "site". How to create another package of type "site" from the adminstration interface, similar to ezwebin_site. Please help. Smith