Monday 21 March 2005 5:00:44 am
Hi, I think my need is preety simple but I didn't read anything about it in EZPublish documentation. I have an existing database that stores a lot of scientific data. I need to create EZPublish content classes that integrate on one hand standard attributes like text, URL, email, images, etc , but on the other hand some attributes that should collect their values by a request on the external database.
Conceptually, I would like to have a datatype for these attributes that could allow me to specifify that their value is the result of a SQL request like : "SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3 FROM MyBase::MyTable WHERE Field4=$X" where $X could be a value that is entered when the content classe is instanciated. For instance, imagine an ecommerce site that would create pages describing their products and that the price attribute of each product is the result of "SELECT price FROM product WHERE product_ref=$Ref" . I guess it is a basic feature for a CMS like EzPublish, and maybe there are several ways to do it. But I did not found the solution in EZP docs. Can someone help me ? Thanks in advance. HB