Saturday 29 September 2007 4:22:28 pm
I use my own extension to alter the plain_site design.
I'd like to change the templates rules in "override.ini.append.php" for a siteaccess.
So I created the following file : /extension/[my_extension]/settings/siteaccess/[my_siteaccess]/override.ini.append.php With the following rules :
Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=folder It's not working !!!!
So I tried the same rules in :
/extension/[my_extension]/settings/override.ini.append.php It's working but it alter all my siteaccess. And it's not what I want.
So I tried the same rules in :
/settings/siteaccess/[my_siteaccess]/override.ini.append.php It's working but my templates rules are not in my extension any more. And it's not what I want. I order to have my template rules in my own extension for a particular siteaccess, is there something I'm missing because it is just not working as expected ? Thanks for your help.