Friday 20 February 2004 2:50:26 am
Hello everyone, after a successful transfer of our development site into the production environment ( I notice a small inconvenience in our setup: at the position where the page_toppath.tpl should be included there is only a message "Error / Kernel (20)". We use version 3.2-3. Does anyone have an idea what may cause the problem. It doesn't appear on our development server and I did a 1:1 replication of the eZ-directory and the database. The include looks like this:
{* Top path START *}
{include uri="design:page_toppath.tpl"}
{* Top path END *} {/cache-block} and the file page_toppath.tpl looks like this:
{let name=Path use_urlalias=ezini('URLTranslator','Translation')|eq('enabled')}
{section loop=$module_result.path}
{section-exclude match=or(eq($:item.text,"News"),eq($:item.text,"Sonstiges"))}
{section show=$:item.url}
<a class="location" href={cond( and( $:use_urlalias, is_set( $:item.url_alias ) ), $:item.url_alias, $:item.url )|ezurl}>{$:item.text|shorten( 18 )|wash}</a>
<span class="slash">/</span>
{/section} {/let}
Greetings Marcus