tom stovall
Saturday 26 December 2009 8:08:29 am
I don't know if anyone besides me find it annoying that in a default ezpub install all the classes are eng-GB so every time you edit a content object you have to create a new language version in eng-US. Here's what I did to easily change all the default class installs to ENG-US.
- Do a standard ezpublish install of 4.2 with the ezflow extensions but no content.
- find the directory var/storage/packages/eZ-Systems/ezflow-classes. In this directory are the XML definitions of the classes.
- in that directory, do a search and replace for "eng-GB' replacing it with "eng-US".
- in the ezpublish back end, go to setup->packages
- uninstall the ezflow-classes package and reinstall.
- all your classes default language, should now be eng-US.