Thursday 10 January 2008 5:48:52 am
Hi, I've created a somewhat complex form (quite a lot of fields) which is displayed using a custom template. The text (labels) that are shown are translated using the i18n function like this:
<tr><td><b>{"Adress"|i18n("design/mycontext")}:</b></td><td>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.adres}</td></tr>
This did work pretty well, until I made some changes on the translation.ts file. Now suddenly it takes some time when I try to open the form, before it ends in an empty page (zero sized reply). I've already tried to clear the cache, recompiled it using eztc etc. Can't find any related errors in the var/log/error.log. Another (much smaller) simple e-mail form, does work, in all languages... I'm currently using ez 3.8.3. Any ideas what can be wrong?