Wednesday 21 May 2003 4:46:14 pm
This is perhaps only part of what I want... Let me try to explain what I want to achive --> open admin site --> open norwegian site - default/always -> open english site
Looking at the demosite data and configurations, opening and could/should give me the same result? Do I need to make a /no/ folder in settings/siteaccess? At the demodata again.. it shows me a webpage with the demo template (and it's overrides). As I've said, opening or results in the same page. All links is like BUT, changing /demo/ to, lets say /user/ - gives me the same content but with another design. In my case, I don't think want to mix the content like this - so this should in my case (/no/ and /en/) result in showing an error or just displaying the default page for that site. As a newbie to ezPub I am, all these folders, sections, siteaccess, matchorder etc is quite confusing.. And as I want to have both norwegian and english content, do I need to install both languages during setup? Does the translation function(s) translate more than the links and text on the admin page?