Tuesday 03 February 2004 12:56:53 am
Hello, I just want to download a file that is attached as a binary file to an article, should be really simple, but its not. I get a "object not found" when trying to get it. Ez is using the ezbinaryfile.tpl to download. The code in it is like this: <a href={concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$attribute.id,"/file/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl}>{$attribute.content.original_filename|wash(xhtml)}</a> {$attribute.content.filesize|si(byte)}
In my template Im just using this code for displaying the link:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$content_version.data_map.attach1}
which gives me this request-string:
http://www.mysite.no:8090/content/download/491/2789/file/Content_Editor_Howto.doc And the well-known "Object not found", the link seems correct though.
I have looked at the sql by enabling sqloutput, and this is what is beeing queried from the db:
SELECT contentobject_attribute_id, version, filename, original_filename, mime_type
FROM ezbinaryfile
WHERE contentobject_attribute_id='2790' AND version='4'
Feb 05 2004 10:08:34 The specified file could not be found."
I run this query directly on the db, and get 1 row back. This contains the following:
contentobject_attribute_id version filename original_filename mime_type 2790 4 phpRmGosZ.xls Premiere-kontakter.xls application/vnd.ms-excel
I look in the file system, and the file is in this location:
/opt/ezpublish/3.2.4/var/storage/original/application/phpRmGosZ.xls , but ezpublish can't find it. I think ezpublish is using a wrong path to these files, if you know where it is set or have a solution to this, please let me know.
Thanks, claus