Friday 05 January 2007 10:44:21 am
Hi...! I have tried for a while now to setup ez with more than one website which may or may not read from the same database. And it works nicely. But now I am trying to change the design for a specific site. With the new 3.9 there is an extension enabled which seems to override my settings in the design layouts. Especially with the darn css files and the VAR settings. It's a bit confusing. Can someone help me out with a step by step example on how to do my different design? The actual design for the current site layout rests in the extention folder. Then there are some css files sitting in the var/storage/ex_systems/etc... folder! I thought the folders in var are actually temporary folders. Why would someone place css files there??? Also please don't point me to the documentation. It is very simplistic explained and it just does not take me fully to my result page. I also must say - I like the way the frontpages are done - by using either a frontpage class, or the object emeded relation. I always wanted portal-like interface. This is the easiest. Anyway - if someone can help me with the var settings: I have placed it into the site.append.ini.php in the /settings/siteaccess/new_site/site.ini.append.php But it still creates the default "ezwebin_site" in the var instead my setting from the above ini file. So does the admin interface - Why ? Then it is the design thing which seems to (like I said before) mingle together with the extention (which by the way - I disabled) Thanks in advance...! Mihai