Sunday 04 October 2009 5:36:26 pm
I'm using eZ 4.1.3 and I have a problem with clearing image alias cache. When I try to clear them with "ezcache.php" script, they are not cleared. Here is what I did:
1) I have setup scaling for "article_thumb" image alias to 200x150
2) Then I have loaded the page and the image was shown in 200x150 dimenzions
3) After that I have changed the dimenzions for "article_thumb" alias to 100x70 4) I have cleared the image alias cahce with: php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=image --purge and reloaded the page. After that the images were still in 200x150 dimenzions. I have also tried this commands:
php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=imagealias --purge
php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=imagealias --clear-all --purge php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=image --clear-all --purge But nothing works. I have checked the permissions of the files and folders in the storage folder, and they all have writable access. What's the problem, why the image aliases aren't being cleared? Can anyone suggest a sollution?
Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!
Hubert Farnsworth