Tuesday 25 August 2009 10:57:34 am
Hi everyone I've managed to get eZ Publish installed, and it seems to be working other than logging in to the admin interface.
I used the <i>eZ Publish Website Interface design (blue)</i> when I installed. If you click the <i>Login</i> link, fill out user/password, check <i>Log in to the eZ Publish Administration Interface</i> and click the <i>Login</i> button, the browser errors out. IE7 states it cannot display the page with no useful information, and Firefox shows this message: <i><b>File Not Found</b> Firefox can't find the file at jar:file:///C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiesezwebin_site_admin.</i> The URL in the address bar is: <b>jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiesezwebin_site_admin</b>. I can manually go to the Admin site no problem. It's the users that will be using the site later that this is going to be an issue. It looks like it's trying to redirect to something that doesn't exist. I went on to irc and someone suggested changing site.ini's AdditionalLoginFormActionURL value - I tried this with no luck. Anyone know how I can fix this issue? The rest seems to be working well, other than this small snag.