Tuesday 19 December 2006 8:05:04 am
Hi, I created a simple class which only contains a textinput. Then i created a folder with several of my new class objects. My problem is when i try to fetch information from that node, i got nothing back. It works if i put some other objects (like article, link, folder etc.) but not my new class? Why? it seems very strange? This is the code that i use to fetch my objects. I can not find any problems with the code.
{def $children_count=fetch('content', 'list_count', hash('parent_node_id', 12785 ) ) }
{def $children=fetch('content', 'list', hash('parent_node_id', 12785) ) }
{def $nr = rand(0,$children_count)}
{/do while($children[$nr].object.data_map.name.content|null())}
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