Thursday 05 January 2006 10:21:35 am
Hi there, I want to display images thumbnail when browsing the media section instead of the "image class" icon.
I assume I should modify the following template: /design/admin/templates/node/view/browse_thumbnail.tpl and do a {if} on the class identifier. If the class identifier is an image then I should display a specific view of the node, as for instance, the embed view ... The problem is that I got nothing displayed when trying to do it with the following line of code:
{if eq($node.class_identifier,'image')}
{node_view_gui content_node=$node view=embed}
{$node.class_identifier|class_icon( normal, $node.object.class_name ) } {* the normal way *}
Any idea of what the problem could be. Or how would you do it yourself ?
Thanks, C.