Wednesday 13 May 2009 6:41:02 pm
Hi, By coincidence, I was working on same issue, and not very please with existing documentaion so i made this one : For background info, check This is a simple guide to create different rights on a eZ publish site. A visitor becomes a novice, than a regular and at least a leader (using Kim's roles for Virtual Communities) 1) Visitor A visitor has the role of Anonymous which gives him very few rights beside viewing (reader) the site. Visitors are not visible in the administrator site. You can only see how many visitors in Administration / Sessions 2) Novice When the visitor register to become a novice, he immediately appears in the user group "Guest Accounts" He receives an email for confirmation if he follows the link his account is activated. Guests have the same rights (same role) than Anonymous but they are in a different view for easier management. If you check the Anonymous role, you'll notice that it contains both the Anonymous users and the Guest accounts. The administrator also receives an email to inform him of the creation of the new account. He should move the guest in the group Editors. This group corresponds to the role Editor. The novice editor doesn't have mush more rights than the visitor anonymous. He can post comments in blogs and forums but he cannot create or modify articles. This is already a good step because it reduces the need of moderation given comments are not anonymous. 3) Regular To allow a user to modify the content, it becomes a bit more tricky. Follow this procedure :
a) Create a new user group, for instance the group Regular.
b) Move the editor (or the guest) to this group.
c) Go in the Role Anonymous and attribute the new group Regular without limitations.
d) Go in the Role Administrator and attribute the new group (or a specific user of that group) with limitation to the subtree where he is allowed to make change. The subtree can be just one article or a frontpage. e) Repeat (d) for other section of the site like blogs and forums with the role Editor (or Administrator) This procedure is not very logical because in (c) you should use the Role Editor and you would not need (e). But that doesn't work for unknown reasons... 4) Leader The leaders can do everything on the site and they like to have a private place that cannot be reached by other users (including regulars). Follow this procedure :
a) Move the user to the group Administrator users
b) Create a new section, for instance the section Intranet.
c) Create a frontpage that you call, for instance Intranet. d) Change the section of the new page from Standard to Intranet.
Of course you can do more fancy stuff in eZ Publish, like creating new roles for new groups and new sections, but the basic three roles are sufficient for most needs.