Saturday 09 July 2005 5:26:38 am
I have used the following code to change an attribute value and store the change. Found most of the code somewhere on, so you should probaly thank someone else ;)
// Fetch current version of the object (provided you have the objectID)
$contentObject =& eZContentObject::fetch( $objectID );
$contentObjectVersion =& $contentObject->version( $contentObject->attribute( 'current_version' ) );
$contentObjectAttributes =& $contentObjectVersion->contentObjectAttributes();
// Loop through the attributes, to find the right one (in this example, contentclassattribute_id=232)
foreach (array_keys($contentObjectAttributes) as $key)
$contentObjectAttribute =& $contentObjectAttributes[$key];
$contentClassAttribute =& $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
if ($contentClassAttribute->attribute("id") == 232)
// Found it!
$oldVal = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("data_int");
$newVal = $oldVal + 1;
// Insert new value and store it
$contentObjectAttribute->setAttribute("data_int", $newVal);