A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

Author Message

Jorge estévez

Wednesday 08 June 2005 8:41:59 pm

using ezp 3.6 Versión:
3.6.0 (3.6.0)
SVN revisión:
shuffle. , banner , enhancedobjectrelation , ezarticlerating , ezpaypal , importXMLData , phpadsnew , shuffle , xmlarea

Wwhile trying to edit an article and a folder (default article/folder with instalation) gave this error:

Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-d7bbb31668deeb984cbd88a600749f32 and has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current
URL when contacting the system administrator.

Any clues? How can I fix (if possible) this kind of error?

Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 08 June 2005 11:21:39 pm

The first step is to turn on debug output and sqldebug so we can find the offending SQL call. It would also help to know something about the system you are running.

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 08 June 2005 11:29:48 pm

You can find the SQL that failed by looking in the file <i>var/log/error.log</i> and then searching for the transaction id <i>TRANSID-d7bbb31668deeb984cbd88a600749f32</i>.

I see you mention an SVN revision number, did you install this from the official tarballs or do you use the SVN version?


Documentation: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation
FAQ: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/faq

Jorge estévez

Thursday 09 June 2005 3:51:56 am

Hi again...

I am runing Windows XP, I have made several ez sites with no problems at all with my system.

What I did was:

Installed ez 3.6
Set up some extensions just to see how they worked
Started to make all the tree (folders) for a new site

Suddenly I needed to edit an article and failed, later on the same happened with a folder...


Here is the debug stuff (a portion where the errors begin). If the whole debug is needed please tell me an e-mail to send it to!


Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.679 ms) query number per page:29 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable,
is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3,
data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2,
data_text3, data_text4, data_text5
FROM ezcontentclass_attribute
WHERE id='119' AND version='0'

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)

Error: eZTemplate @ extension/xmlarea/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext.tpl:55[20] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'edit_lang' in namespace 'ContentAttribute'

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl:2[2] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'classification' in namespace 'xmltagns'

Warning: eZTemplate:eZTemplateOperatorElement @ extension/xmlarea/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext.tpl:107[132] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Parameter 'first_param' (0) missing

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.773 ms) query number per page:30 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
SELECT id, name, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement, is_searchable,
is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2, data_int3,
data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1, data_text2,
data_text3, data_text4, data_text5
FROM ezcontentclass_attribute
WHERE id='156' AND version='0'

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(6 rows, 14.131 ms) query number per page:31 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 )

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(-1 rows, 0.411 ms) query number per page:32 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( )

Error: eZMySQLDB Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')' at line 1. Query: SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( )

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 0.260 ms) query number per page:33 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22

Error: eZDBInterface::commit TRANSID-70077962b2872ae07fdfe2c57c8ab119 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-70077962b2872ae07fdfe2c57c8ab119.

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 0.239 ms) query number per page:34 Jun 09 2005 06:41:22

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'All caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'Content - node' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'Content - subtree' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'Template & content' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'Ini settings' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/pagelayout): 'Static' with comment()

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/clear_cache.tpl:14[7] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/clear_cache.tpl:31[11] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/clear_cache.tpl:31[90] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/debug_toolbar.tpl:10[0] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'access_type' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:33[31] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:63[7] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/setup/quick_settings.tpl:63[86] Jun 09 2005 06:41:22
Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.0763 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Module start 'content' 0.0763 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Total runtime: 1.8302 sec

Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Load cache 0.2945 sec 16.0381% 22 0.0134 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 0.1815 sec 9.8839% 36 0.0050 sec
Looping result 0.0020 sec 0.1115% 26 0.0001 sec
TS translator
TS init 0.0974 sec 5.3025% 6 0.0162 sec
TS cache load 0.0927 sec 5.0469% 6 0.0154 sec
TS context load 0.0903 sec 4.9204% 6 0.0151 sec
Template Total 0.1658 sec 9.0% 1 0.1658 sec
Template load 0.0808 sec 4.4019% 2 0.0404 sec
String conversion in template resource 0.0045 sec 0.2466% 10 0.0005 sec
Template parser: create text elements 0.0456 sec 2.4820% 10 0.0046 sec
Template parser: remove whitespace 0.0109 sec 0.5939% 10 0.0011 sec
Template parser: construct tree 0.2238 sec 12.1884% 10 0.0224 sec
Template load and register function 0.0036 sec 0.1983% 6 0.0006 sec
Template processing 0.1572 sec 8.5611% 1 0.1572 sec
Cache load 0.0357 sec 1.9435% 12 0.0030 sec
Matching rules 0.0020 sec 0.1081% 3 0.0007 sec
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute is_required 0.0000 sec 0.0000% 0 0.0000 sec
Fetch class attribute name 0.0000 sec 0.0000% 0 0.0000 sec
Instantiating content class attribute 0.0003 sec 0.0187% 5 0.0001 sec
String conversion 0.0032 sec 0.1741% 10 0.0003 sec
String conversion w/ mbstring 0.0020 sec 0.1069% 10 0.0002 sec
Total script time: 1.8360 sec

Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Jorge estévez

Thursday 09 June 2005 3:55:31 am

<b>Now comes the log file...

I have included all that happened early today (june, 9) editing a folder (root folder)

Notice at the end the transaction ID 70077962b2872ae07fdfe2c57c8ab119


[ Jun 08 2005 23:59:18 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 08 2005 23:59:18 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobjec' at line 10. Query: SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentclass.name as class_name,
ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier
, ezcontentobject_name.name as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE node_id IN ( ) AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'esl-MX'
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] Undefined module: extension
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/extension/phpadsnewadmin//index.php
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:12 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobjec' at line 10. Query: SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentclass.name as class_name,
ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier
, ezcontentobject_name.name as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE node_id IN ( ) AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'esl-MX'
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:20 ] [] Undefined module: extension
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:20 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/extension/phpadsnews/admin/index.php
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:21 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobjec' at line 10. Query: SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentclass.name as class_name,
ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier
, ezcontentobject_name.name as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE node_id IN ( ) AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'esl-MX'
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] Undefined module: phpadsnews
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /index.php/phpadsnews/admin/index.php
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
Choose one of following: text, url
[ Jun 09 2005 00:00:31 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobjec' at line 10. Query: SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentclass.name as class_name,
ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier
, ezcontentobject_name.name as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE node_id IN ( ) AND
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'esl-MX'
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Timing Point: Module start 'content'
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'edit_lang' in namespace 'ContentAttribute'
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'classification' in namespace 'xmltagns'
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')' at line 1. Query: SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( )
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-70077962b2872ae07fdfe2c57c8ab119.
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'access_type' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''
[ Jun 09 2005 06:41:22 ] [] Unknown template variable 'ui_context' in namespace ''

Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Jorge estévez

Thursday 09 June 2005 4:01:28 am

Running windows XP

Apache/1.3.28 (Win32) PHP/4.3.6
The modules of the webserver could not be detected.

MyQSL version 3.23.58-nt

Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Jan Borsodi

Friday 10 June 2005 6:02:30 am

I think the problem might be related in the templates you are using, did you edit this from the admin interface or from the user page with a custom page.

From the debug you see it says:

[ Jun 08 2005 23:59:18 ] [] No such attribute for array(2): node_id
 Choose one of following: text, url
 [ Jun 08 2005 23:59:18 ] [] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ') AND
 ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobjec' at line 10

Basically it fails to fetch the node_id and then passes that value to the subsystem which fails again. My guess is that it is some template code that tries to display information on the current node.

I also see some warnings about <i>phpadsnew</i>, could be related.


Documentation: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation
FAQ: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/faq

jeremy fishman

Thursday 30 June 2005 9:25:28 pm

<b>I have the same issue. I just set this up and I think it is going to be perfect for us to use, the problem is I can't delete the sample items from the site. I also added some content to see if I can delete new things and I can't. I have the debug info but I don't know what it means.

Can you please look at what I got and let me know what I can do inorder to delete items?

Much appreciated...</b>

<i>Timing: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

Script start

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 0.536 ms) query number per page:0 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT data, user_id, expiration_time FROM ezsession WHERE session_key='1ab12513e3998cd5d73bc6eabb96e4c6'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 0.198 ms) query number per page:1 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT contentobject_id, login, email, password_hash, password_hash_type
FROM ezuser
WHERE contentobject_id='0'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 0.208 ms) query number per page:2 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT contentobject_id, login, email, password_hash, password_hash_type
FROM ezuser
WHERE contentobject_id='0'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 0.287 ms) query number per page:3 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT destination_url, forward_to_id
FROM ezurlalias
WHERE source_md5 = '3bf9b21c7272d9e66ad6aa901253060a' AND
is_wildcard = 0
ORDER BY forward_to_id ASC, is_internal ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

Timing: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

Module start 'setup'

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(lib/template): 'The maximum nesting level of 40 has been reached. The execution is stopped to avoid infinite recursion.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Global INI cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'INI cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Codepage cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Expiry cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Class identifier cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Sort key cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'URL alias cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Character transformation cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Image alias' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Template block cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'Template override cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'RSS cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/cache): 'User info cache' with comment()

Notice: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

eZTemplate: Loading template "setup/cache.tpl" with resource "design"

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Template overrides and compiled templates' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear template caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'This operation will clear all the template override caches and the compiled templates. It may lead to weaker performance until the caches are up and running again.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Content views and template blocks' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear content caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'This operation will clear all caches that are related to either template views or cache blocks inside the pagelayout template. Use it if you have modified templates or if you have changed something inside a cache block.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Configuration (ini) caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear ini caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'This operation will clear all the configuration caches. Use it to force the system to re-read the configuration files if you have changed some settings.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Everything' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear all caches' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'This operation will clear ALL the caches and may lead to long response times until the caches are up and running again.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Fine-grained cache control' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Invert selection.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Invert selection.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Select the <%cache_name> for clearing.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Clear the selected caches.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Static content cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Regenerate static content cache' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'Create new' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/setup/cache): 'This operation will regenerate all the static content caches that are configured. This action can take quite some time depending on the specifications of the server and the number of locations that are configured to be statically cached. If you encounter time-out problems, please use the &quot;bin/php/makestaticcache.php&quot; shell script.' with comment()

Timing: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

Module end 'setup'

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'Content structure' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'Media library' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'User accounts' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'Webshop' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'Design' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'Setup' with comment(Navigation part)

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/navigationpart): 'My account' with comment(Navigation part)

Notice: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

eZTemplate: Loading template "pagelayout.tpl" with resource "design"

Notice: Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

eZTemplate: Loading template "design/standard/templates/link.tpl" with resource ""

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'All content' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Current location' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Advanced search.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Content structure' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage the main content structure of the site.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Media library' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage images, files, documents, etc.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'User accounts' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage users, user groups and permission settings.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Webshop' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage customers, orders, discounts and VAT types; view sales statistics.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Design' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage templates, menus, toolbars and other things related to appearence.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Setup' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Configure settings and manage advanced functionality.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'My account' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Manage items and settings that belong to your account.' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Setup' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Cache management' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Collected information' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Global settings' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Roles and policies' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Sessions' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/parts/setup/menu): 'Upgrade check' with comment()

Warning: ezi18n Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/admin/pagelayout): 'Current user' with comment()

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 0.214 ms) query number per page:4 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT id, session_id, productcollection_id, order_id
FROM ezbasket
WHERE session_id='1ab12513e3998cd5d73bc6eabb96e4c6'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 0.240 ms) query number per page:5 Jun 30 2005 21:22:44

SELECT ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name AS name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
, ezcontentobject_name
AND ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id AND
ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version AND
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'eng-US'</i>

Peter Schnuerer

Monday 04 July 2005 11:35:02 pm

Got the same Problem!

I've running serveral ez Publish sites on the same machine - no problems so far!

The only thing that ist different: im running in utf-8 mode on mySQL 4.0.x!

Although mySQL 4.0.x is said to have sone bug in utf-8 mode it worked perfectlyunitl this morning!

peter peter

Tuesday 05 July 2005 12:06:47 am

me too,
the same problem. i changed nothing.

peter peter

Tuesday 05 July 2005 1:07:04 pm

i get following error:

[ Jul 05 2005 22:03:32 ] [ip] Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1. Query: SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN (  )
[ Jul 05 2005 22:03:32 ] [ip] Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-6d0474b8c0336688478e2abbf3a02d6c.

i don't know wehre i can fix the problem

peter peter

Tuesday 05 July 2005 3:45:49 pm

and i solve it ;-)


and uncomment the SELECT * ezlink Statement

Peter Schnuerer

Wednesday 06 July 2005 12:06:58 am


and uncomment the SELECT * ezlink Statement

where are these files located?

Thomas Thiel

Wednesday 06 July 2005 2:24:46 am

files are located in ezpublish/extension/xmlarea/handlers/input and ../output

but I wasn't able to fix the code (e. g. uncomment the SELECT-statement). I disabled the xmlarea-extension and since then everything worked fine again.

Regards, Thomas

Stéphane Cloutier

Saturday 09 July 2005 8:24:36 am

Bingo! The XMLarea is causing the problem. After removing it from my extensions, the site running 3.6 is now working without transactions error.

Qupanuaq - Snow bunting

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