Saturday 19 June 2004 12:42:50 pm
Hi there every eZ system users, I've just downloaded the win-installer and tried to setup eZ to try it and maybe use it for a couple of project. But when I am trying to finalize it > go to site and admin sections it just errors out...I have now set the execution time to 200!! and M level 100(just to be sure)...And still apache goes up to 98-99% CPU usage and still time-outs..I have never seen this for a php script before and I think it is strange when I can play heavy 3D games but can't set up this CMS-system... I have tried it on an other machine before and the same happened there! But now when I am running a newly installed XP machine (P3 800, 256MB) I thought no problem....but no! The script must be very badly written when even bigger and more complexed CMS have no problem! Or? Please, can anyone help me setting up this much promising CMS? What can I do to solve the problems I am having? Thanks, Martin