Thursday 06 January 2005 1:51:16 am
Hey - I'm sorry you had such a rough experience. I can assure you that whatever problems we've had in the past are in the past. If you want to move over to 1&1 or another provider, please by my guest. We don't want unhappy customers. I know who you are, and I know you through the community here, and I would emplore you to reconsider such a move. I think you'll find that our service is back to kicking ass, and you won't get a repeat performance. FireBright had growing pains: we've fixed the problems. You know what the problem was, and I frankly think we fixed the problems in a professional manner in a really quick timeframe. We hand rebuilt the entire customer database (thousands of customers) in less than 4 hours after we found out about the problem, and had everything completely resolved in less than 12 hours. That's a pretty good response time. Any by fixed I mean fixed, addressed, permanatly changed, no longer an issue, and otherwise completely resolved. To put it in perspective, in the last 90 days we've implemented:
- an internal gigabit network for backups to our NAS systems
- an external gigabit switch for public consumption
- three new products, including used-centric NAS backup space for customers
- network and server system monitoring, including service level monitoring on each of our servers
- IP KVM, so we can do remote hands on management without having to send someone to the datacenter
- A move to Mae West, one of the best datacenters on the planet
- Power cycling switches, so we can actually reboot downed machines
- DAS for each of our customer machines, so backups are actually knocked out to an external disk before being transferred to the NAS
- DNS montioring from three outside locations - Triplicate DRP backup of the billing / customer database to prevent the possibility that anything like you experienced could ever happen again And the list goes on an on... FireBright is doing this of course as an independent development shop, full of guys and gals who are really enthusiastic about eZ Publish, and not some high-powered rich hosting company. At the end of the day, we've fixed the problems we experienced as a result of a pretty serious situation professionally, quickly, and with minimal downtime. That's about all I can say about that. Let me just say, we're about to launch a line of dedicated servers (have the first 15 of them here right now) at Mae. We're investing dozens of hours in building a really amazing system for deploying server on demand for customers (details coming). We have a full time developer working to build out our next generation eZ Publish offerings. How many other eZ Publish partners are out there investing in products like that? Not many. I know you're unhappy about the problems we had, but there isn't much I can do about it. It happened, it's now fixed. There won't be a repeat performance. In terms of notification of our 3 hour outage, it went out three days before, and the day of the move to everyone on our list. If you want to be on the FireBright list let me know. All customers are added when they sign up, but some choose to unsubscribe themselves. But notification was sent, and information about the work that we were doing was posted on our helpdesk the day of. We don't do work on the systems without notification, except on an emergency basis. I do hope you'll consider staying with the service, but please do explore your options. FireBright's service is a steal at 20-35 bucks for a root access VDS including eZ Publish, and we're one of the few companies out there that really have a commitment to the platform. Have a fantastic day, and if I didn't say it before (better late than never), happy New Year!!!! Jonathan
FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access