Thursday 22 January 2004 6:56:43 am
Hello!! Where is customer support!#%&*#&@# So many people have posted the exact same problems but there is no response from ezSystems. What is going on?#%&*#&@#
Look at what a search for "500 Error" brings up in the forums,
Most involve a host called A user is given one database with a server which is not local host, a database name, user name and password. They will look something (not real) like,
Database Name: db91234567
User Name: dbo91234567 Password: AUErZpvc
You can get as far as the database page. When you click to continue either of two things will happen,
1. 500 Error Page 2. Message that the Database server refused to allow a connection and to check the information you provided. I installed "phpNUKE' on the same site with no problem using similar settings/values noted above. PROBLEM 2 Again this is a problem posted repeatedly with no response from ezSystems. After going through the entire installation which I did on another host, the links to the user page and admin page do not work. You can reach the user page by going directly to the user page "index.php" but you cannot get into the program without the proper User ID or Paassword. You cannot get to the Admin Page so you can get in and assigna User ID and Password. If you know how to get into the database and give the "Anonymous" user the same password as the admin you are taken to an error page after trying to log in as a user from the user page. You are not even given a wrong password or User ID page just a error page - 404
Please look at these posts, I would like to use this program but I am concerned about this lack of support. Too many people aare having the same problem and although there are forums, EZPublish does not help or respond. Please someone respond and follow up on problems from ezSystems and help us all out. WP1